
PingHsun Hsieh

Ph.D. in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (joint with Prof. Michael Hammer). Graduated to become a postdoc with Evan Eichler.

Alyssa Lyn Fortier

B.S. in Molecular and Cellular Biology and Mathematics. Graduated to become a Ph.D. student in Biology at Stanford University.

Alec Coffman

Programmer. Left to become a Ph.D. student in Chemistry at the University of Pennsylvania.

Katherine Cunningham

B.S. in Computer Science and Molecular & Cellular Biology. Graduated to become a Ph.D. student in Human-Centered Computing at the Georgia Tech.

Paul Blischak

Postdoc Fellow (joint with Prof. Mike Barker). Left to become Data Scientist at Bayer Crop Sciences.

Connie Sun

M.S. in Computer Science. Graduated to become a Data Scientist at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.

Mathews Sajan

B.S. in Business. Graduated to attend Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine.